Paraphrased by E: Neuroscientist Andrew Huberman believes understanding your brain better can help you become more successful

6 min readMay 18, 2023
Photo by Milad Fakurian on Unsplash

The content that follows was taken from a voice recording and turned into this blog post with minimal (less than five minutes) human intervention. Emily is powered OpenAI/ChatGPT.

Time to edit: six minutes

Link to audio clip used: Youtube

Using Neuroscience to Help Entrepreneurs Reach Their Goals

As an entrepreneur, you’re always striving to reach the highest level of success and realize all of your goals. Utilizing reward-based learning strategies and habits can be a beneficial tool in achieving this goal. According to Stanford neuroscientist Andrew Huberman, this type of strategy can be incredibly effective when used properly. By understanding the basics of neuroscience, entrepreneurs can leverage fundamental concepts such as dopamine and habit formation to optimize their efforts and get closer to their desired outcomes.

Incorporating innovative approaches into the way you work is yet another way entrepreneurs can achieve their goals. By discovering new techniques for reaching objectives, entrepreneurs are able to stay ahead of the competition and build a successful business.

Overall, utilizing neuroscientific techniques for business success is an invaluable resource for entrepreneurs who want to take their success to the next level.

The Power of Reward-Based Learning

Reward-based learning is a process by which people learn through rewards or punishments associated with certain behaviors. It works on a simple principle: if something feels good (or bad), we are more likely to repeat (or avoid) it in the future. This type of learning has been studied extensively in animals, but humans also use this mechanism every day without even realizing it! For example, when someone learns a new skill or task at work they may receive praise from their boss — this positive reinforcement encourages them to continue doing well and can lead to long-term improvements over time.

At its core, reward-based learning is based on dopamine — the neurotransmitter responsible for feelings of pleasure and motivation — which helps us form habits around activities that give us joy or satisfaction such as exercising regularly or eating healthy foods. Dopamine plays an important role in helping entrepreneurs stay motivated towards reaching their goals; however, too much dopamine can be detrimental as well since it could cause one to become addicted or obsessed with achieving short-term gains instead of focusing on long-term objectives like growing a business sustainably over time.

How Habits Can Make Your Life Easier

Habits are formed when our brains recognize patterns between events occurring in the world around us. This recognition leads to the formation of rules and neural pathways that help us predict what will happen next without requiring conscious thought. For example, a person who wakes up at 7 am every morning will soon develop an automatic routine of getting ready for work without having to actively remember each step. Habits can be incredibly helpful and time-saving as they streamline our decision-making process, free up mental energy, and reduce anxiety. However, too much reliance on habits can also lead to complacency or stagnation if we don’t break out of old routines periodically.

The development of habits is closely related to dopamine production, which is the chemical responsible for pleasure and motivation. When something feels good, whether it’s achieved through reward or avoidance of punishment, dopamine is released as a form of reinforcement that encourages us to continue repeating the behavior in question. In this way, behaviors that give us joy or satisfaction become ingrained into our daily lives more easily than those that don’t necessarily provide us with immediate gratification. Indeed, research suggests that entrepreneurs who understand and leverage the power of dopamine are more likely to reach their goals faster compared to those who lack this knowledge.

But forming these types of beneficial habits isn’t always easy — especially when there’s no immediate gratification involved — so here are some tips from Huberman himself:

Start small.

To successfully adopt a new habit, it’s best to start with small tasks and gradually increase the difficulty level over time. By breaking down big tasks into smaller ones, you can build confidence at a manageable pace and avoid burnout from overambition. Consistent progress will eventually lead to the desired results.

Focus on nonlinear progress.

Don’t expect immediate linear growth. Instead, focus on exploring different approaches to find solutions rather than following the same routine every day and expecting a different outcome eventually.

Nonlinear progress means taking chances and trying new ideas that may not have worked before. This can help you find better ways to get the results you want more quickly than expected.

Make use sunlight exposure.

Whenever possible, work outdoors during daytime hours to benefit from natural light. Studies have shown that getting enough sun exposure and increasing vitamin D intake can significantly improve cognitive performances compared to those who don’t get enough sun throughout the day. Furthermore, stepping out allows you to engage in exploratory behavior, meaning you can explore your surroundings and notice details that you wouldn’t be able to while indoors, which could lead to potential discoveries and opportunities that you wouldn’t find within the four walls of your office building!

Ever wonder why you get your best ideas when relaxing or on vacation? According to Huberman, it’s because our brains need moments of rest and exploration in order to come up with creative solutions. So make sure you take some time out of your day to relax and get away from your desk — you never know what kind of Eureka moment those few minutes could bring!

Turning it actionable

Entrepreneurs can use reward-based learning to their advantage by utilizing positive reinforcement to motivate themselves and stay driven toward reaching their goals. This could include rewarding yourself with small treats after completing tasks, or taking breaks throughout the day when feeling overwhelmed. Additionally, setting daily routines focused on productivity and goal achievement can help establish positive habits that lead to success over time.

Each step that you take to understand how your brain works and the patterns you need to establish in order to work as optimally as you can is a valuable learning opportunity, helping foster an environment of growth and progress toward reaching any set goals. Working with this knowledge allows for more meaningful accomplishments over time.

In conclusion

Understanding the power of habits and how to create them can be instrumental in helping entrepreneurs reach their goals more efficiently. By breaking down big tasks into smaller ones, focusing on nonlinear progress, and taking advantage of natural light exposure, entrepreneurs are able to stay motivated while forming beneficial habits that help them achieve success quickly and sustainably — it all starts with creating a foundation for positive change!

The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg is an excellent read for those looking to understand how habits are formed and how they can be changed. The book dives deep into the neuroscience behind habit formation and provides readers with actionable steps to take in order to form positive habits that will help them reach their goals. Additionally, it contains real-life case studies of individuals and organizations that have successfully implemented habit-changing strategies, providing invaluable insight on how change can be achieved.

Atomic Habits by James Clear is another great resource for entrepreneurs looking to develop beneficial habits. This book focuses on the power of small actions repeated over time, as well as the importance of understanding our psychology when it comes to making changes. It also provides practical strategies and tips on how to implement effective goal-setting systems, build new behaviors, overcome procrastination, and stay motivated in working toward personal growth and success.

Emily is a content creation engine that works as simply as recording your thoughts in your native iOS voice memo app. Want to try it? Just hit “share” on a voice note and text the voice memo to 470–823–9347.




Just a guy who enjoys thinking about what could be.