From Voice Memos To Articles In Minutes - welcome to Paraphrased by E

4 min readMay 14, 2023
Photo by Daria Kraplak on Unsplash

The Future of Content: How AI is Changing the Way We Create and Consume Information

As entrepreneurs, we know that staying ahead of the curve in terms of technology can be a daunting task. With so many new tools and trends emerging every day, it can be hard to keep up with what’s relevant for our businesses. But one trend that should not go unnoticed is the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) as an essential tool for content creation and consumption.

I’m recording a voice memo while in the gym, just some thoughts on how AI will change the way we create and consume information in the future. I wanted to share these ideas with other entrepreneurs who are interested in learning more about this topic — which inspired us to turn a voice memo into the announcement blog post for Paraphrased by E!

In this article, we’ll discuss why you should pay attention to AI’s impact on content creation & consumption today, plus some strategies & tactics you can use later when developing your own products or services.

What Is Artificial Intelligence?

Before diving into how AI is changing content creation & consumption, let’s take a step back and define what exactly “artificial intelligence” means. Simply put, artificial intelligence (or “AI”) refers to computer systems that have been designed to simulate human behavior by using algorithms or machine learning techniques such as natural language processing (NLP).

This type of technology has become increasingly popular over recent years due to its ability to automate tasks traditionally done by humans — like data analysis or customer service inquiries — while also providing more accurate results than manual labor ever could achieve alone.

How Is Artificial Intelligence Impacting Content Creation?

As mentioned earlier, one major area where AI will have an immense impact is content creation; specifically when it comes to writing articles/blog posts faster than ever before without sacrificing quality or accuracy!

For example, there are now several companies offering AI-based text-generation services powered by deep neural networks trained on millions upon millions of words from published sources across various topics. These services allow writers to save time since they don’t need to spend hours researching topics, manually gathering facts, piecing together sentences, crafting paragraphs, etc...

Instead, all they need to do is input their desired keywords/topics and then let the software spit out finished pieces ready to publish online within minutes!

Additionally, some companies even offer live demos where users get to see firsthand just how powerful these programs really are — this announcement post itself is a demo of Emily. Pretty cool right?

So if you’re looking to streamline your blogging process consider giving a tool like Emily a try — chances are good won’t regret the decision down the road!

How Is Artificial Intelligence Impacting Content Consumption?

Not only does AI make creating content easier but it also helps improve the experience consumers have when reading your produced material as well.

For instance, Google uses sophisticated algorithms to determine the most relevant search results whenever someone types a query into the engine. This ensures readers find answers quickly and easily, instead of having to sift through pages of irrelevant websites in order to locate answers want.

By doing so companies able to reach target audiences efficiently cost-effective manner thus improving ROI campaigns overall!

Welcome to Paraphrased by E

We created this publication to feature the capabilities of Emily a content creation engine we built using OpenAI’s ChatGPT API. Our goal was to challenge the fact that none of the other tools are differentiated they all require someone to sit at a computer to engage with their product…we wanted to do it differently.

Emily allows you to tap into AI content creation on the go by simply texting a voice note to a number and receiving a blog post back in under 10 minutes.

So our official organizational blog will be Paraphrased by E, where we take audio recordings that we find interesting and send them to our product. Then we post the content output from our product to our blog — we’ll continue fine-tuning the model so you should see improvements as we build this blog in public.

Emily is a content creation engine that works as simply as recording your thoughts in your native iOS voice memo app. Want to try it? Just hit “share” on a voice note and text the voice memo to 470–823–9347.




Just a guy who enjoys thinking about what could be.